Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines
Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines is a twice-yearly (October and April) journal published by the UMR 8155 (CRCAO) of the CNRS, Paris. The Director of the RET is Dr Jean-Luc Achard, and the editorial board includes Drs. Alice Travers (CNRS) and Charles Ramble (EPHE).
All contributions are peer-reviewed and may be submitted to the editors
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to read an introduction to the journal in French.
Index of Authors: click here
Index of Contents: click here
Number 72, Juillet 2024, Proceedings of the IATS 2022 Panel
Number 71, Juin 2024, Tibet and the Oirats — The Oirat Legacy and the Origins of Tibetology
Number 69, Mars 2024, New Research on the Mi la ras pa Biographical Compendia
Number 68, Janvier 2024 - For A Critical History of the Northern Treasures — II
Number 64, Juillet 2022 - From Khyung lung to Lhasa, A Festschrift for Dan Martin
Number 62, Février 2022 - For A Critical History of the Northern Treasures
Number 55, Juillet 2020 - New Currents on the Neva River
Number 51, Juillet 2019 - Perspectives on Tibetan Culture
Number 50, Juin 2019 - Tibetan Religion and the Senses
Number 49, Mai 2019 - Reflections on Social Status in the Tibetan World
Number 44, Mars 2018 - Etudes rDzogs chen — Volume II
Number 43, Janvier 2018 - Etudes rDzogs chen — Volume I
Number 40, Juillet 2017 - Studies in The Tibetan Performing Arts
Number 38, Février 2017 - The Tulku (sprul sku) Institution in Tibetan Buddhism
Number 31, Février 2015 - Papers for Elliot Sperling
Cumulative Index, Table des Matières récapitulative, 1 - 15, Août 2009
Number 15, Novembre 2008 - Tibetan Studies in Honour of Samten Karmay, Part II
- Full text (4.0 MB)
- Cover, contents (176 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Préambule (72 kb, p. 198)
author: Anne-Marie Blondeau - Le Réseau des mille dieux-démons: mythes et classifications (708 kb, pp. 199-250)
author: Anne-Marie Blondeau - Les bKa' brgyad - Sources canoniques et tradition de Nyang ral Myi ma 'od zer (444 kb, pp. 251-274)
author: Tenzin Samphel - The Sun of the Heart and the Bai-ro-rgyud-'bum (284 kb, pp. 275-288)
author: Matthew T. Kapstein - Enduring myths: smrang, rabs and ritual in the Dunhuang texts on Padmasambhava (428 kb, pp. 289-312)
author: Cathy Cantwell and Rob Mayer - The Malevolent Spirits of sTang Valley (Bumthang) — A Bhutanese account (304 kb, pp. 313-330)
author: Kunzang Choden - Tuvinian images of demons from Tibet (380 kb, pp. 331-336)
author: Peter Schwieger - The Buddhist princess and the woolly turban: non-Buddhist others in a 15th century biography (328 kb, pp. 337-356)
author: Hildegard Diemberger - The Cult of Radrap (Ra dgra), 'nep' of Wangdue Phodrang (Bhutan) (252 kb, pp. 357-370)
author: Tandin Dorji - mKha' 'gro dbang mo'i rnam thar, The Biography of the gTer ston ma bDe chen chos kyi dbang mo (1868-1927?) (188 kb, pp. 371-378)
author: Donatella Rossi - A tentative classification of the bya ru can kings of Zhang zhung (624 kb, pp. 379-420)
author: Roberto Vitali - sTon pa gShen rab: six Marriages and many more funerals (824 kb, pp. 421-480)
author: Henk Blezer - A nineteenth-century Bonpo pilgrim in Western Tibet and Nepal: Episodes from the life of dKar ru grub dbang bsTan 'dzin rin chen (392 kb, pp. 481-502)
author: Charles Ramble - Le Corps d'Arc-en-Ciel ('ja' lus) de Shardza Rinpoche illustrant la perfection de la Voie rDzogs chen (560 kb, pp. 503-532)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Bonpo Tantrics in Kokonor Area (328 kb, pp. 533-552)
author: Tsering Thar
Number 14, Octobre 2008 - Tibetan Studies in Honour of Samten Karmay, Part I
Number 11, Juin 2006 - The sGang steng-b rNying ma'i rGyud 'bum manuscript from Bhutan